1 minute read

@DSotnikov just released the video recording of the session from the PowerShell Deep Dive in Frankfurt (last year). In this video, MVP Kirk Munro (poshoholic) and I demoed a project we’ve been working on that let’s you create proxy functions. Here’s a reminder of the session abstract.

In this session as they take a deep dive into proxy functions in PowerShell. Shay and Kirk have been working together on PowerShell Proxy Extensions, a powerful module that leverages proxy functions and makes it easier than ever to create these powerful extensions to PowerShell. They will demonstrate what proxy functions are and why they are important, and then show how a little scripting savvy (and a really long script) can make your life easier by allowing you to create everything from very simple proxy functions that extend PowerShell to more complex proxy functions that override existing commands, fixing bugs and adding missing features at the same time, all while leveraging inline help as much as possible.

The module we demoed is available at http://pspx.codeplex.com/. Unfortunately I won’t be able to make it this year to the Deep Dive in San Diego, but if you’re attending you’ll get the chance to see the module in action, plus a very cool project, written on top of the PowerShell Proxy Extensions (PSPX) module.

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